Becky McCarthy StudioBecky McCarthy Studio

Oil Painting Masterclass with Rosso Crimson – June

by becqua on August 12, 2023, in the Fine Art category

Continuing the online mentorship with Rosso Crimson. This month we worked on paler skin tones and the overall palette, the colours we’ve used for skintones throughout the course are:

  • Titanium white
  • A pre-mixed blue-grey
  • Yellow ochre
  • Naples yellow
  • Cadmium red
  • Alizarin crimson
  • Indian red
  • Ivory black

Time was limited this month due to other commitments so I did a quick sketch, oil on paper, just to get some more practice in mixing and painting faces.  As you can see I didn’t completely like two of them. The expression on the middle one was quite intriguing so she survived. As an underpainting this was quite successful….and with more time I would work on the lighter tones.

painting skin tones in oil paint on paper


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